Monday, November 2, 2009


Looking everywhere
Looking for the time to strike
Staring at the clock
Begging it not to walk so fast
Listening to the rain pouring
The lightning and thunder just never seem to stop
Waiting for the teacher to look away

Passing the signal to the others
"Psss..." *Pointing to question number 6*
*Nods* *Paper folding*
Sign language: B
*Making an I-don't-know face*
Teacher's coming,teacher's coming..
...and going away...

"Teacher went to the toilet!Fast.."
"This answer is A..." "This is C.." "B.."
"Thx!!What do you want to ask me?Ask now!.."
*Whole class whispering answers to each other*

"TEACHER'S BACK!!!!...."
"Quick,this answer is D!..."

After passing up the papers...

"XXX, come here.."
*Hops to teacher's table*
"...........I'm sorry XXX but you're now caught for cheating in exams."

~~Author's comments~~

This is so not like a poem!!! I was intending to write a poem...But still just write down your comments...I won't be offended.. ^^

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