Why is year keep passing soo fast? It's the last day of 2009 now. I soo love this year. I had soo many new frenz and also found some old ones...
I went to skul yesterday to see what class I'm going next year.I wished it was Arif but...I'm still staying at Amanah... Dunno good or bad..
Well, there's not much to say for now..Bye!!And HAPPY 2010!!! ^^
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Friday, December 18, 2009
Genting Pics~~~
Hi again!! Here are my Genting pics... Remember to comment!! ^^
The day b4, we had our early Christmas pressies!

This is the 1st time I'm sitting on a roller coaster!!
...Is this pic ok? I don't think so... lols...
My sister with...Allie, the Elephant?!
Taken at Memorial Lim Goh Tong.It's very early in the morning so I guess that's why there's a bubbly effect...
There're still lots and lots of photos not uploaded here, but 1st, I'm LAZY. 2nd, there's too little memory. This holiday is really passing too fast,especially this year. There have been too much changes...
Well, till next time!!! =D
There're still lots and lots of photos not uploaded here, but 1st, I'm LAZY. 2nd, there's too little memory. This holiday is really passing too fast,especially this year. There have been too much changes...
Well, till next time!!! =D
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Long time no blogging...I've been doing lots of stuff these hols..
Until now I've watched 3 movies.I've went to watch HSM on live at KLCC.I've been playing all day.
Oh yeah, I just went to my aunt's house for a sleepover.We watched HSM on live that night.Sorry we had no pics cuz' pictures were not allowed.Overall the show is OK but the actors act funny!!
Seriously this holiday is really BORING!!!Plus its passes so fast!!Haiz...The only thing to look forward to is my dad's cousin's house this weekend.We're going to Genting.I'll show you pics by then.
Until now I've watched 3 movies.I've went to watch HSM on live at KLCC.I've been playing all day.
Oh yeah, I just went to my aunt's house for a sleepover.We watched HSM on live that night.Sorry we had no pics cuz' pictures were not allowed.Overall the show is OK but the actors act funny!!
Seriously this holiday is really BORING!!!Plus its passes so fast!!Haiz...The only thing to look forward to is my dad's cousin's house this weekend.We're going to Genting.I'll show you pics by then.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Form 1 is over yesterday....So many memories are in there..Its almost like yesterday we just came in here..Then become a pengawas and have sooo many frenz..Not to mention the exams lah.. Then we go to form 2 already.
Lots of ppl said the year 2009 passes very fast.And they're right..I miss everyone now although its just the first day of holiday...I want to go to skul!!! (Kidding lah...)
Well it's time for me to go to my standard 6 fren's house now.Gotta go...
Happy holidays!!! :D
Lots of ppl said the year 2009 passes very fast.And they're right..I miss everyone now although its just the first day of holiday...I want to go to skul!!! (Kidding lah...)
Well it's time for me to go to my standard 6 fren's house now.Gotta go...
Happy holidays!!! :D
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Summit.HK Superstars.Photos.Ice-cream!!
This is like so hard to say...Lazy to tell full story.. I know everybody will sleep wan..(Zzzzz...)
Date: 7th November 2009 ( Saturday )
Place: Summit USJ
I think i'm writing an invitation here. Is it just me, or am i just thinking? hahas..
Lazy to write the full story here..I guess photos are good enough..

Thursday, November 5, 2009
~Shine-on shoes!!!~ <33333
Just watched "Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs" ( 3D version ) on Wednesday...That show is really really yummy!!! (No offense to those who hate food...LOL)
To all those who watched the show, write down your comments NOT abt the food, abt the show!!! ( Do you guys think it looks real enough? I'm not so sure...) But i really love the colour of the spray-on shoes..They're so black & shiny!!! lolz.. :D
Another post finished!! I finally got something to write about...hahas
To all those who watched the show, write down your comments NOT abt the food, abt the show!!! ( Do you guys think it looks real enough? I'm not so sure...) But i really love the colour of the spray-on shoes..They're so black & shiny!!! lolz.. :D
Another post finished!! I finally got something to write about...hahas
Monday, November 2, 2009
Looking everywhere
Looking for the time to strike
Staring at the clock
Begging it not to walk so fast
Listening to the rain pouring
The lightning and thunder just never seem to stop
Waiting for the teacher to look away
Passing the signal to the others
"Psss..." *Pointing to question number 6*
*Nods* *Paper folding*
Sign language: B
*Making an I-don't-know face*
Teacher's coming,teacher's coming..
...and going away...
"Teacher went to the toilet!Fast.."
"This answer is A..." "This is C.." "B.."
"Thx!!What do you want to ask me?Ask now!.."
*Whole class whispering answers to each other*
"TEACHER'S BACK!!!!...."
"Quick,this answer is D!..."
After passing up the papers...
"XXX, come here.."
*Hops to teacher's table*
"...........I'm sorry XXX but you're now caught for cheating in exams."
~~Author's comments~~
This is so not like a poem!!! I was intending to write a poem...But still just write down your comments...I won't be offended.. ^^
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Thx mum...
If I get an 'A' or 'B' in sejarah, I won't be surprised...I guess I'll even cry.. >.<
Thanks a lot mum, for sitting with me for 5 hours in front of the pc teaching me sejarah.. I'll never forget the ways you teach me how to stuff all the names & incidents in my head in just a few hours.. I'll get an 'A' for you, I promise!!! ......Just if I can...
And by the way, I know its been a very long time since I've actually POSTED something,right?
But it's not that I dun want to..I just don't have that POSTING mood sometimes..I guess you bloggers all know that right? (lol...)
Thanks a lot mum, for sitting with me for 5 hours in front of the pc teaching me sejarah.. I'll never forget the ways you teach me how to stuff all the names & incidents in my head in just a few hours.. I'll get an 'A' for you, I promise!!! ......Just if I can...
And by the way, I know its been a very long time since I've actually POSTED something,right?
But it's not that I dun want to..I just don't have that POSTING mood sometimes..I guess you bloggers all know that right? (lol...)
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Revision sejarah the whole night yesterday...3 hours...Ended up sleeping while revising sejarah...
Hope I can do just OKAY in exam...an 'A' will do just fine...LOLZ
Surrounded by boys in my exam position...Good thing is can cheat together..swt..
Good luck in exams,everyone!!!
Friday, October 23, 2009
Hihi... ^^

Hihi........Today's really my lucky day ( i guess)........Just now at recess Yuin Shean and i decided to have our "Chocolate一餐"...That is, just VERY simple chocolate bread ( our fav!!! :>) & wafers.. (We are not saving $,plz dun misunderstand ah..) My choc bread has totally NO choc at all..T_T but after the next bite lots & lots of CHOCOLATE gushed out!! Yuin Shean is sooo jealous ( i can see it from her face)...Then when she was finishing her bread then her chocolate ran OUT....She said i am "先苦后甜",she is "先甜后苦"...LOLZ
It was raining today.We all thought today wun hav PJ wan.. then until PJ class then rain stopped (really having things my way 2day) Then we played frisbee with Priscilla,Jaslyn & Joo Yee.There were so many gigantic puddles on the ground( yay!!!puddles!! swt...) & Jeslyn can't catch the frisbee....And you guys can just think what happened after that..We had to wash the frisbee for 6 times in 20 mins...
Skul is just the nice place for daydreaming....especially when teacher is CHATTING with the other students (wahh....nowadays teachers even ask us to add them at FB....teacher ILY!!! XOXO)
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